Causes, Symptoms, and Tips to Overcome Exam Stress

Causes, Symptoms, and Tips to Overcome Exam Stress

Exam stress, or test anxiety, is common among students. It is a psychological and emotional condition where students experience extreme pressure and nervousness before their examinations. This situation is applicable in both offline and online examinations. Different factors, such as modern education systems, societal expectations, and personal goals, raise the fear of exams. Test of anxiety is not an unfamiliar term. Every student out there might have experienced sweaty hands and increased heartbeats before going into their examination hall or before taking their exams online.

It is normal to feel some stress before your tests. However, if you find your anxiety hindering your academic performance, you can consider seeking online class help. Search for online class takers on the internet and ask them to take my online class for me. Exam stress is not only limited to affecting academic performance. In the worst case, students can feel anxious, might struggle to sleep, lose confidence, and have difficulty concentrating. Therefore, though you are seeking online help for your exams, it is still essential for you to learn about ways to deal with exam stress. Refer to this blog post to learn more about common causes, symptoms, and tips to deal with test anxiety.

Common Causes of Exam Stress

Exams are an important part of the academics. It helps in measuring the academic knowledge and understanding of the students. However, the continuous examinations add stress and tension to students. Let us have a look at some of the main causes of exam stress in students.

  1. Fear of failure is one of the common reasons for exam stress. They stress over meeting the expectations of their family and teachers.
  2. The high academic expectation of prestigious universities is also another reason why students might be stressed about their examinations. 
  3. Lack of preparation also causes stress among students. The learners who don’t prepare well often feel nervous when exams approach.
  4. Students scoring good grades in their exams are always the teacher’s favorite. They work hard to meet the expectations of their peers, set realistic goals, and heighten stress.
  5. Parental pressure can also sometimes intensify stress in students. The desire to make their parents proud can exacerbate anxiety and self-doubt.

These are some of the common causes of exam stress among students. Understanding the root cause will help you create proper planning and overcome your stress. As a student, it is normal to feel stressed over your online exams and tests. However, with the right tips, you can overcome all your struggles related to your exams.

Also Read: Why Effective Time Management Is Essential for Online Course Success

Symptoms of Exam Stress

Have you wondered what exam stress feels like? No wonder. Here are some of the common symptoms of exam stress experienced by students.

  • Feeling moody
  • Poor sleeping habits
  • Less motivation
  • Confused feeling
  • Butterflies in stomach
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling low or overwhelmed
  • Not eating properly
  • Sweating or cold hands
  • Increased heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Digestive issues
  • Headaches
  • Feeling of fear
  • Mood swings
  • Procrastinating assignments or other work
  • Improper study habits
  • Poor healthy habits
  • Reduced interaction with family and friends
  • Diarrhea

There is no fixed symptom of exam stress. Each student might have different symptoms. Some might experience an increased heartbeat, while the other may lose their appetite. Physical, behavioral, emotional, and psychological symptoms affect their ability to perform well in their examinations.

How to Deal with Exam Stress

Exams are an important part of an academic career. Students are required to give different types of tests in their educational life. However, it is not a hidden fact that students go through extreme stress before their examinations. Some of them even seek online class help from professional writers, where the online class takers complete all the midterms, final exams, assignments, and discussion posts of students. Have you ever wondered, can I pay someone to take my online nursing class? Because you could not deal with the stress of your exams. Well, students studying difficult courses like nursing often rely on professional assistance as they can’t handle the pressure of assignments and exams. Undoubtedly, professional help is one of the best ways to overcome the tension of exams and earn guaranteed A grades. However, it is still advised for students to learn about the ways to cope with exam pressure.

Here is a list of the best practical tips from experts to help students overcome exam-related anxiety

Improve your Study Routine

Poor study routine and preparation are two of the reasons why you might not be able to perform well in your examinations. To overcome this issue, make sure you improve your study habits and follow effective study techniques. Active learning and practicing past papers are some of the techniques that you can use when preparing for your examinations.

  • Summarize what you’ve learned
  • Have specific objectives
  • Allocated dedicated time for learning
  • Block all distractions
  • Take breaks to benefit your study routine

Stop Comparing 

This is the best technique to overcome exam stress among students. Checking your friend’s preparation is okay, but comparing it with yours can add more stress. We all are different, and so are our learning styles and our preparation methods. Therefore, never compare your preparation with others. 

Believe in Yourself

Exam preparation methods can be difficult, but remember it is not at all impossible to prepare and score good grades in your examinations. Once you start believing in yourself, you can overcome all your exam stress. Keep a list of everything that you have completed and that is yet to be completed. Moreover, do not forget to reward yourself for the portions that are finished. Do things that you are interested in to boost your self-esteem. These small changes will motivate you to work on the rest of the syllabus and reduce your exam stress.

Adapt Healthy Routine

Adapt healthy habits daily. It can help you overcome exam stress and increase your concentration and motivation. Include a nutritious diet in your daily life. Include food rich in proteins, fiber, and whole grains. Moreover, avoid caffeine as it can increase stress.

Having eight hours of sleep is also essential. Ensure you always have seven to eight hours of sound sleep. Good sleep can elevate your mood and improve concentration and memory. Moreover, stay hydrated to keep yourself fully functional and focused. 

Talk with your Friends

Friends are our best buddies and well-wishers. If you are finding it difficult to concentrate to study because of your exam stress, talk to your friend. Tell them your feelings and how you feel. Nobody knows you better than them, and they can give you the best advice. Moreover, if you don’t understand anything related to your courses, let your friend assist you.

Block all the Negative Thoughts

Do you find exams a threat and often find a way to avoid them? Well, it is completely normal to think that way. Many students feel exams are a threat, and this is the reason for exam stress. Changing negative thinking into positive will help you overcome this struggle.

Pay close attention to your thoughts and stop all the negative thoughts. Moreover, try to focus on the effort and not on the outcomes. Positive affirmations like I can do this, I will do this, and I will surely pass this exam can do wonders for you and help you achieve your goals to boost confidence.

Reach out to Professionals for Help

If you fail to identify the root cause of your exam stress or don’t know how to deal with the symptoms, reach out to professionals for help. Going for a counseling session can help you relax yourself and find a way to overcome your exam stress.

Moreover, if you are busy with your counseling appointments and don’t have time to complete your online classes, hire a professional to take your online classes. Whether you need help with your accounting class or any other subjects, all you need to do is search online, place a request, and make a payment. Placing a request is an important step in seeking online class help. For example, if you want help with your accounting class, place your request with an inquiry such as, can someone do my online accounting class? Following this, you need to make payments and let professionals handle all your exams, assignments, and tests on time.

Relax a Bit

Exam stress can not only affect you academically but also mentally and emotionally. Many students don’t know how to deal with their final exam stress and struggle with their learning. Are you also one of those who don’t want to deal with their test anxiety? Learn to relax a bit. This is one of the simplest techniques that will prepare you to learn and complete your tests. 

These are some of the tips to help students overcome their fear and stress during their examinations. In addition to these, it is essential to learn about the post exam stress. Post-exam stress refers to the tension of what you will do if you don’t pass or the result is not as per your expectation. Prepare yourself to deal with the disappointments. What if things don’t turn your way? Some things to remember are that exam results don’t define you, and there is a life after exams too. There are so many things to do after exams; tighten your belt to explore more.

Also Read: Tips and Tricks to Succeed in an Online Exam

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is post-exam stress?
It is a psychological distress where students start doubting themselves. They start worrying whether they will be able to score top grades in their exams or not. One of the best ways to deal with post-exam stress is to start acknowledging your feelings.
Question: How to overcome stress?
Improve your study routine, adapt a healthy routine, stop comparing, and take good care of yourself.
Question: How to relieve exam stress?
Poor study routine and preparation are two of the reasons why you might not be able to perform well in your examinations. To overcome this issue, make sure you improve your study habits and follow effective study techniques.